Method MMK A2 606 – The testing of building material for the builder
The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation
Method MMK A2 606 gives the builder the possibility of testing the dangerous substances – ionizing radiation – in rock-based building material and in the concrete in the completed building regarding radon and gamma radiation.
The testing of the building material concrete in completed buildings must be made by the builder to meet the new legal requirement of 1 mSv/year in effective dose in the completed building.
The Construction Products Regulation, the Radiation Protection Act and the Radiation Protection Ordinance
The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation – in building materials is performed by the usage of the Swedac-accredited method MMK A2 606 in accordance with the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 and the new Swedish Radiation Protection Act (2018: 396) and the Radiation Protection Ordinance (2018: 506).
Method MMK A2 606 is accredited by Swedac for the testing of ionizing radiation, radon and gamma radiation, in completed buildings made of the rock-based building material concrete.
The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation – according to the accredited method MMK A2 606 in completed buildings ensures that the building is controlled in accordance with the legal requirements.
MMK’s accreditation applies internationally throughout the EU.
MMK’s testing of building material in completed buildings is carried out in-situ with a non destructive method. The test result is obtained within one week after performed in-situ by MMK field laboratories and is reported in terms of activity index, radium index and gamma radiation dose.
Product Certification: Green Building
The accredited test results can be used as a basis for self-checking, government reporting and/or product certification, for example for Green Building.