Method MMK A2 610 – The testing of building material raw rock/ballast

The Construction Products Regulation and the Radiation Protection Act

The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation – in stone-based building material shall be made by producers to comply with the EU Construction Product Regulation No. 305/2011 and the new Swedish Radiation Protection Act (2018: 396).

The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation

The testing of dangerous substances – ionizing radiation – in rock-based building material/raw rock/ballast for radon and gamma radiation, with the Swedac-accredited method MMK A2 610 in accordance with the Construction Product Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 and the new Swedish Radiation Protection Act (2018: 396).

Method MMK A2 610 is accredited by Swedac for the testing of ionizing radiation, radon and gamma radiation, in the rock-based building material raw rock/ballast. The method’s accreditation applies internationally throughout the EU.

The method MMK A2 610 allows manufacturers of raw rock/ballast to be ensured that the legal requirements and the trade requirements are met regarding dangerous substances – ionizing radiation.

The testing of building material according to accredited method MMK A2 610 ensures that the building material is controlled in accordance with the legal requirements.

MMK’s testing of construction product is carried out in situ in the quarry with a non destructive method directly in the bore hole in the pallet.

Activity index and radium index

The test result is reported to our clients within one week after the test has been carried out by MMK and is reported in terms of activity index, radium index and gamma radiation dose.

The accredited test results can be used as a basis for self-checking, authority reporting and/or product certification.